The case movie – to be translated soon.
For Sparda Bank we developed a new kind of account in cooperation with the HSV (a premier-division soccer club from Hamburg). It featured special benefits, e.g. a 1% increase of its interest rate for every goal the HSV shoots in one month.
One part of the launch campaign was the following movie about Hans Mälzer, a 90 year-old fan of the club.
We printed a photo of the team’s players on their way back from the celebrated euro-cup finals of 1983 onto the credit card. Then we reached out to the HSV fan club to see if there was anyone out there who had been on the flight at the time when the photo was taken. One of the fans was the daughter of Hans Mälzer, she led us to him.
We showed him the credit card with the photo on it and taped the personal story he told about the finals and this particular flight. The interview moved thousands of fans to tears. It even resulted in Germany´s biggest newspaper `BILD´ to run a big story on Hans Mälzer and the new HSV account.
Für die ec-Karte zum offiziellen HSV Konto „Sparda HSV“ haben wir ein besonderes Motiv gewählt: die Spieler auf dem Rückflug vom Europapokalfinale 1983. Dann haben wir in der Community gefragt, ob jemand damals dabei war. Es meldetet sich Hans Mälzer (90), der uns in diesem bewegenden Interview erzählt, wie er das Finale erlebt hat.
Entstanden ist ein Film, der Tausende in den HSV Communities zu Tränen gerührt hat und sogar die Bild Zeitung hat eine ganze Seite über Hans Mälzer und das neue HSV Konto gebracht.